The thoughts and ramblings of a stay at home mommy who is forever in search of something, pink, green, or plaid!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
cleaning tip of the day
Yesterday B decided to draw very lovely murals (in crayon) all over his wall, his sisters wall, and the playronm door. oh yeah, and the bottom of the train table. Never fear, if any of your little ones do this, Mr. Clean magic erasers will get rid of it in a jiffy!
I am a former teacher who is now a stay at home mommy of two preppy children (5 and 2). I am happily married and we live in Big Orange Country (knoxville,tn) I love to dress and decorate in the preppy style
Cute shoes.
Thank you so much for the tip! I love the Mr. Clean magic erasers I stumbled upon you blog, and it was nice to find another Preppy Vol!
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