Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Bad Blogger

Sorry it has been so long since I posted! I do have some good excuses:

1. the "minor surgery" I had, had some major complications including a UTI I developed so I basically was in bed for a week feeling like crap.

2.L started soccer camp this week

3. B has a nasty cold and cough

4. My grandaddy had a slight heart attack and they are checking tomorrow to see if he is a canidate for a difibulator. He had a quadruple bypass 10 years ago and it is pretty much worn out. He is also having an irregular heart beat. I went to visit him today and he seems to be doing OK.

Anyway, I am back now and ready to blog!!
I ordered L one of the Lilly P swimsuits they had on sale at Garnet Hill and it came today!! It is super cute. I also managed to grab a copy of the Essentially Lilly book on amazon.com for like 10 dollars shipped!! I am still waiting for that to arrive.

I just bought the new Jakob Dylan album on itunes tonight! If you go to the link i gave, there is a place on his website where you can listen to the entire album for free and even add a the stream to your facebook or myspace page. The music is more acoustic than the wallflowers stuff, but I like it.

We are thinking of getting a cheap above ground pool for the backyard. We already have a privacy fence so why not? Has anyone gotten one of the Easy Set pools? They seem like they would be pretty low maintainance, but I want to know how well they hold up.


BpVetGirl said...

So sorry to hear about the complications and it's compleatly understandable that you were away but it is wonderful to have you back.Hope you are on the mend.
Prep in the country.

Michelle said...

I hope you are feeling better and hope all is well with your GP!

Cena @ Unexpected Necessities said...

Hope you're all better!! I've used almost all of my notecards. Love them.